I am currently the Accounts Servant, for the last 4 years now. You made me stop and think about this. It is true in our Hall that I say about 75% of the funds come from the over 55 group. With that said, half of all the funds collected from that group comes from 3 individuals (we have about 50 pubs from that group). I would also say that most in our Hall make little, too no contributions at all. Our total Congregation Publisher count stands at 63. I wonder, when the next widow dies, who is going to pick up the slack.
We have been having problems with our funds since I have been collecting them. One Elder (Who is one of the 3 Big Contributors) asked me to break down the collections. I said it's simple.You're the only Elder out of 6 who contributes every month. 3 of the Elders, I see at the most maybe one check a year. From the 7 MS's, I know of only 1 that gives a check each month. His reply was "I shouldn't have asked".
This is crazy, but the only way we have survived is that an Elderly person dies about every 6 months and leaves the Congregation some money.